Choose wisely and select the best way to lose weight through yoga classes in Dubai

Obesity and lifestyle related diseases are on the rise today and many people are looking towards improving their health through exercise. Just like variety is the key in modern times, it is also the key when it comes to exercise. There are a huge number of options when it comes to weight loss and fitness solutions and depending on body type, history of injuries or illnesses.

Yoga classes in Dubai

In a city like Dubai which has weather conditions that are not conducive to outdoor exercise, there are a large number of indoor options. There are so many health clubs in Dubai that you can choose from. These cater to those in pursuit of fitness and offer a number of solutions. Many of them have state of the art gyms which have qualified trainers who can help one achieve his or her weight loss goals. They are qualified in nutrition as well so a holistic fitness solution can be arrived at. These clubs also offer group exercise options like aerobics, Zumba, etc. so those who like moving to music can exercise with enjoyment. Some even have sports facilities for badminton, tennis, golf, etc. Some also have spas attached so those who want to relax with beauty treatments can do so. These clubs charge an annual membership fees with which most of the facilities can be used though some facilities are billed separately.

Yoga was developed in India in the ancient times and is comprises of breathing (pranayama), posture (asana) and dhyana (meditation). All the postures are based on nature and are physical, growing in intensity as the practitioners develop and help in building up physical strength and balance. On the other hand, the pranayama and dhyana help the individual focus on the self and develops mental strength. The prolonged effects of yoga have helped greatly in the development of yoga classes in Dubai. The classes are conducted as part of gyms or are held in exclusive yoga studios that have an excellent ambience.

A form of yoga that has grown in popularity since its inception in the 1970s and is found all over the city of Dubai is Bikram yoga. Bikram yoga in Dubai is taught by certified instructors and is taught in a room that is heated and has a humidity of 40%. About twenty six postures and breathing exercises are practiced in a session that lasts about ninety minutes and is said to be highly effective in weight loss. The conditions of the room and the exercises cause intense sweating and helps in removing toxins from the body.

Find the inner balance with yoga in Dubai

Being fit and staying fit is one of the biggest challenges that people face today. There are many options to do this ranging from very vigorous exercise to a more sedate and peaceful method. Depending on body type and fitness levels people can choose the program best suited to them. Most centers offer flexible timings so that those who want to reach desirable fitness levels can do so at their own pace.

With diseases like obesity running high among the population, stress levels are also increasing on a daily basis. This is also due to the very competitive atmosphere in most offices and when people look for an exercise program to unwind, a majority look for one in which mental peace can also be attained. The best such exercise is yoga in Dubai. It is a form that developed in India over three thousand years ago and focuses on disciplining both the body and mind. Through postures and breathing exercises it helps participants reach an inner core of peace and quiet. Thus yoga reduces fat and stress bringing about a very low incidence of health issues.

There are many branches of yoga that have become largely popular and one form that is gaining prominence is Bikram yoga in Dubai. It is a system of yoga that is adapted from hatha yoga. It is based on practicing yoga is a room that is heated with a humidity of 40%. All the classes are run by certified trainers and each session runs for about ninety minutes. Classes consist of twenty-six postures with two breathing exercises. This system is very effective for weight loss as it induces a lot of sweating and also washes out the toxins in the blood. Enroll for Bikram yoga today and glow with good health.

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that has a lot of takers today and this is evident from the number of yoga classes in Dubai. Yoga takes care of both the physical and mental well-being of people. Yoga through deep breathing and meditative postures trains people to turn into themselves and thus helps build both physical and mental strength. These classes are held in an ambience that is conducive to this exercise. Classes are conducted by certified trainers for greater flexibility. Take a deep breath and cleanse both your body and your soul.

Find the best workout plans to lose weight

Fitness has become the most important word of the twenty first century as lifestyle diseases threaten to swamp the modern man’s health. People are becoming increasingly aware of the need to become and stay fit. This has given rise to a lot of exercise programs and an amazing number of gyms and fitness centers all over the world.

workout plans

When people think about losing weight, the first thing they look at is exercise options and it has been proven that rather than doing the same kind of exercises repeatedly it is always best to use a combination of different kinds of exercise. This combination is known as a workout plan. It promotes greater fat burning as it combines different exercises and as a result works on different muscle groups. It helps the body get fit and stay fit. There are many kinds of workouts. A traditional gym workout involves a warm up followed by various exercise machines and some strength building through weight training. Today the workout industry has been enhanced with Zumba, Aerobics, Kick Boxing and even Dance workouts. So work towards a fitter body through innovative workouts.

Taking a decision to lose weight is easy and is usually done with no hesitation and the first few days may even seem easy but staying on track is another thing altogether. This is where finding a gym is important. There are many gyms in Dubai Marina. They cater to the large population there and are the best places to help you stay fit. They boast of the best trainers and most offer the facility of a personal trainer. They have the latest in terms of equipment and are truly world class. Some even have steam, sauna and Jacuzzi facilities so that you can unwind after a strenuous workout.  So don’t wait, hit the gym and lose weight.

Women are usually more prone to putting on weight than men. Many women like to get back into shape especially postpartum but are conscious of working out in the company of men. A large number of ladies gyms in Dubai can be used by such women. They cater exclusively to women and even have women trainers so that their customers can focus on exercising. These trainers are well versed in the problems and physique of the female body thus making them more effective. They offer different kinds of programs depending on the requirement. So women, get your body moving, get into shape and make a commitment towards fitness for life.

What do people love about CrossFit Dubai

Crossfit Dubai

At some point in life, you all must have encountered a CrossFit enthusiast. They will be talking about it all the time, showing off their sexy and toned arms or simply going on about the importance of it. So what exactly is Crossfit Dubai and why is it so popular that people cannot stop talking about it. According to experts, CrossFit is a training programme, which combines other elements of exercising like aerobics, cardio, core training, gymnastics, and weight lifting. It is basically a full body workout where a lot of importance is given to train every muscle of the body to ensure faster and maximum results in a short span of time.

An average training time for a Crossfit workout is 45 minutes and if you are doing it 5 days a week or 7 days a week, you will not repeat the workout session twice in that week. So there is a new workout, which ensures high intensity to work on all the areas of the body. If you are getting private classes in Crossfit Dubai, your trainer will either develop his own routine as per your endurance and strength or use the one that is available on the global Crossfit website. Both are highly recommended and are equally beneficial to the person.

Growth of yoga in Dubai
A complete opposite of Crossfit in terms of workout is yoga. Internationally, it has become one of the most important form of working out and meditating. There are tons of international studios offering special training in yoga. Come to Dubai and you will see how yoga in Dubai has grown in the past few years. People have realized the benefits of this form of workout and it is evident in the way things are shaping up at gyms and yoga studios.

Yoga in Dubai for women
More number of people are now willing to participate in this. The number of registrations has shot up considerably. There is no age bar or gender bar and people from everywhere are getting their yoga pants and heading to the gym. Women also have special classes with flexible timings. Yoga in Dubai has become really popular because of its many benefits like a relaxed state of mind, better body, flexibility, core strength, increased metabolism, increased endurance etc.

Benefits of Crossfit Dubai
Coming back to Crossfit, benefits like increase in strength, better cardiovascular endurance, better balance and coordination among body parts and organs, enhanced accuracy and better reflexes, increased flexibility, heightened speed and sense of respiration, more power and stamina, and agility. All these are the major benefits of Crossfit Dubai.

Ladies gym in Dubai that offer yoga and other work out forms

Remember when we were kids and used to always run around, play, and indulge in some kind of activity. At that time our parents would always tell us to stop playing and study more. Fast forward to 20 years later and here we are, sitting at our desk and living a desk bound lifestyle that is not just causing weight gain but also a lot of health problems. Our body needs movement and when it does not get that, the heart begins to pump slower, thus causing problems that you cannot even think of.

The American Health Association conducted a worldwide survey in which they found that any activity, whether it is for 20 minutes or 30 minutes at best, can be beneficial in the long run. No matter what the activity or the intensity, all you need is 30 minutes from your day and you can be sure that you will be in perfectly healthy condition. You will feel fresh and highly energetic which will enable you to stay positive and happy. Many women have actually reported that after joining a ladies gym in Dubai they felt happy and their concentration greatly increased.

Find gyms near me
If you want to live a longer, happier, and fuller life, then all you need to do is exercise. The importance and benefits of a workout session cannot be described in words alone. The exhilarating feeling and overwhelming sense of achievement is followed by a fitter lifestyle, good body and a healthy living. With so many online portals now available for your help, you can look for gyms near me and get the closest and the nearest option for you. Also, with so many gyms coming up, you are sure to find something closer to home.

Ladies gym in Dubai for training
Today, most of the jobs across the globe require you to work on the computer. We have become slaves to technology but cannot make use of the same brilliant technology to our advantage. Workout in a gym using the latest technological equipments and make your session count. Whether you want to do yoga or Pilates, aerobic workouts, capoeira, kickboxing, treadmill run, or anything, you can always join a ladies gym in Dubai and work with likeminded people who also want to get fit and healthy just like you.

Hatha yoga and its soaring popularity

Becoming a mother is probably the biggest source of happiness a woman can get but the nine months of pregnancy are really overwhelming where extra care and caution needs to be taken in order to ensure the birth of a healthy and happy child. During this time your body will go through many changes simultaneously. It is important that you stay in a good state of mind and for this reason, gynecologists recommend prenatal yoga.

As your movements are restricted during the later months of pregnancy, you need to ensure that there is more movement during the initial months. A good way is to work on your pelvic muscles to ease the process of childbirth. Good yoga practice will aid in the healthy development of the fetus. Prenatal yoga in Dubai will help in regulated supply of oxygen, thus aiding in better growth.

Why join yoga classes

Yoga is considered one of the most powerful forms of meditation and exercises. It has the power to change your mind and your body, helping you with positive thoughts and a calm demeanor. The increasing number of yoga retreats, yoga studios and other facilities offering yoga classes is overwhelming. Across the world, people are recognizing the importance of yoga as a form of exercise and meditation.

What is hatha yoga

As a method, yoga is effective because it not only transforms your physical health but also your mental health. It helps to eliminate stress, which has become a part and parcel of our lives today. Through controlled breathing, you gain the ability to concentrate and focus on your mind without letting thoughts cloud your judgment. Plus, yoga is something that does not require a large space. Find one open corner in your home or in your garden and start meditating. There are so many forms of yoga like Hatha yoga, nidra yoga, etc. and each of them have their own benefits and different poses to achieve maximum benefits from that.

Benefits of prenatal yoga in Dubai

For expecting mothers, yoga has become a form of bonding with other women who are going through the same changes that they are. Of course, it has its own benefits but this becomes an important factor when there is such a major change in their body. They will see a lot of changes in their mind and body post prenatal yoga in Dubai. There are so many classes today. With flexible timings and batches choose one that best suits you and make sure that you are doing this at least 5 times a week.

How pilates exercises help to strengthen your core muscles

Going to the gym and sweating it out is important not just to lose weight but to be fit and strong. With the kind of desk bound lifestyles that we live, it is significant that we get moving and pumping. Due to most of our jobs, sitting on the desk and going about it is the only way, except an occasional meeting outside the office. But to ensure that there is daily movement for at least 30 minutes, you should take up some activity like swimming, yoga, etc. then you combine this with a personal trainer and get a curated workout plan that will keep you healthy and help you lose weight.

Many of you will agree that going to the gym can get pretty boring after a few times. That is one of the major reasons why people quit gyms so easily and often. It is not because of the laziness but because going through the mill can be really boring and soon you will lose interest. To combat this problem, try taking up a new form of workout. There are so many options available today apart from regular gyming with ample benefits. With a good personal trainer in Dubai, you can get fit and healthy while doing a different form of activity like Capoeira or Pilates or kickboxing.

Capoeira Dubai for working out

What is Capoeira? Since the past few years, this has increasingly become one of the most popular forms of workout. A Brazilian street art form, Capoeira uses dance and martial arts’ moves to create a fine balance of muscles and movement. It makes use of high intensity movements that requires all the muscles of the body to participate thus inducing overall workout. Capoeira in Dubai is popular because of its street-smart format and innovative technique.

Pilates exercises for toning

While Capoeira will help you to lose weight faster, it is not always the only criteria to join a fitness programme. Many people are looking at toning their body and making their muscles strong along with losing weight. So, for this criteria, you can try Pilates. In Pilates, you do different poses and sequences where you hold your body in a certain pose for a longer time which ensures increased strength and endurance to exercise longer. Pilates exercises are great to tone and strengthen your body. They help you to achieve a lean and strong body type along with better muscle control.

Hire a personal trainer in Dubai for training

While training at a gym on a regular basis may or may not require the help of a professional trainer. But when you workout with a goal or with a certain body type in mind or even if you are learning something new, you need professional help and that is when personal trainers in Dubai come into the picture. They ease you into the process of the workout, help you to understand what areas you need to work on and also help you to understand your diet. They create a comprehensive plan for you based on how you workout, when you workout and how long you should workout for.

Start your health journey with a search of ‘gyms near me’

Does moving to a new city scare you? Do you worry about having to give a break to your fitness routine, when travelling? Lay all your fears to rest now! The city of Dubai is all set to welcome people like you with open arms. Numerous gyms and health clubs help people use their services for a short period of time. The advantage of this, other than being able to continue your fitness routine is that you would be able to access some of the best gym and health club services of the world, that the city of Dubai is famed to have.

Crossfit Dubai is one of the best and most popular gyms of the city of Dubai. It offers some of the best workout technologies, equipment and instruments, which the customers can make use of. In the day and age of tremendous stress and busy lifestyles, it is important to compartmentalize each person’s daily routine, accommodating fitness work outs, so as to ensure that health does not take a back seat and quality attention is provided to the health of the individual.

Finding a gym close to the location where you are put up has become very easy, that just a simple search on the internet, with the key words ‘gyms near me’ would provide you with numerous options out of which you could choose one. The absence of exercise and physical activities in our daily lives has led us to face numerous health issues and complicated health problems, which means exercising becomes all the more important for a good life.

One of the most common problems that most people face today is the problem of obesity. The only thing that runs in their minds is to find the best exercise to lose weight. However, it is important to understand that in order to stay in shape and lose calories, your diet has to be well controlled and a lot of healthy nutrition must be included in the diet. Secondly, it would also be very important to add in a lot of exercise and physical activity, so the body fat is worked upon and broken down. Losing weight and burning calories cannot happen overnight and it is a result of a lot of hard work and control that a person would have to exercise.

Bikram yoga in Dubai is very successful owing to its obvious benefits

Yoga is the latest fitness trend across the world and reportedly has more than forty million people practicing it across the world. For those of you looking to gain good health this New Year, without to many physical injuries and through a low impact workout, Yoga is your simple solution. This is a great workout which will deliver maximum health benefits and also leads to minimum health injuries. The stretches, twists and asanas of Yoga are a great way to progress to great fitness and health.

Through the years, a number of different types and versions of the workout have come to be practiced by many people, out of which Bikram Yoga in Dubai, is one of the most popular new age forms of Yoga. This form of Yoga requires a person to perform Yoga poses in a room heated to around 108 degree Fahrenheit temperature, which is said to help the

  • Body relieve stress
  • Stretch and become supple
  • Make the muscles warm and therefore ease the movements
  • Relieve aches and pains in the body
  • Help people with arthritis, knee injuries and such other health issues

If all of this sounds interesting enough, Bikram Yoga is your way to get sweaty to reach good health and great fitness levels.

Apart from this, regular Yoga classes in Dubai are extremely popular, which are opted by increasing number of people in the city of Dubai. More and more people have realized the need to maintain great health and include fitness workouts as part of their daily routine. Most people in Dubai, try and make this a family activity, which helps the families in Dubai bond in the midst of all the crazy routines and schedules, in addition to treading the path of fitness together. This is a great workout for people belonging to all age groups, be it adults, the aged or the children.

Of all the fitness workouts available in the city, Yoga in Dubai is one of the most opted and popular workouts, which can be found at a number of gyms, health clubs and other health centers. This workout in addition to helping a person reach the ideal fitness levels, also helps them understand their body, and in being in unison with their body and mind. It helps them soothe their own soul and calm themselves in addition to introspecting themselves. It is no wonder that this age old workout, is still in high demand all over the world!

Advantages of Capoeira Dubai for weight loss

Grand Millennium Dubai

Being physically fit is important. For a long time now, the importances of physical fitness have been explained to us many times. The reason why, we as kids, were allowed to play so much or encouraged to participate in activities and sports was to help us stay fit and strong. A well functioning body will be free of most diseases that harm us. So what kind of exercises can you do? Today there are tons of options that you can choose from and one such innovative form of workout is Capoeira. The concept is fast catching up and has many takers in the UAE.

So what exactly is Capoeira? It is an amalgam of aerobics, dance and rhythmic movements that keep your body in a moving mode and ensures maximum flexibility and fat burning.  It is an exercise for the entire body and helps you to work on all muscle groups with equal attention and dedication. More power, better reflexes, and strength are some of the basic advantages of this from but apart from that, there is also mental health and the satisfaction of a good workout. It was originally a martial arts form from Brazil, which slowly made its way across the world. Capoeira in Dubai is thus a popular concept in the UAE.

While Capoeira continues to attract people with its stunning movements, another workout that is gathering massive numbers is kickboxing. Kickboxing has long been a great way to stay fit and increase your endurance. The most important aspect of kickboxing is that it a very intense form of workout and while you tend to lose weight, you also gain a lot of muscle strength and increased endurance. Kickboxing in Dubai has seen so many takers in the past few months that it’s amazing.

Many of us know kickboxing as seen in movies or actor doing it to fight with their enemies. But in real life, kickboxing is nothing like you see on screen. Although it is a combat sport, it is not just about brute strength but also about using your body weight in the best way to ensure that the opponent cannot come close to you. Who wants to work on the treadmill when we have something as interesting as Kickboxing in Dubai to help you burn calories.

It is a proven fact that working out releases a hormone called endorphin, which is associated with happiness. So when you work out, you naturally feel happy and light. You do not feel the weight of your muscles or bones, but rather feel light and well balanced. Your body functions at the optimum possible level because your heart pumps blood rapidly. We all know that regular physical activity will only enhance your body from within. Control over your breathing and regular movement will ensure fitness, optimum weight, and good mental health. These new concepts like Capoeira in Dubai are here to stay.